I haven't posted on this blog for quite a while..... I have been busy with my life, buying a house, and dealing with stuff like work. Imagine my surprise when I look at this blog and it has a Restricted Access " on it due to "hate". Why is it hate when I tell the truth about JEWS/JOOS? When they slander Whites it is not "HATE" then.... When they unleash "hate crime" laws that target Whites it is still not hate.... When the JOOish media show that it is supposed to be ok for a "white woman" to be with and have kids with a Negro, which is a way of breeding Whites out of exhistence, it is still not hate.... Why it that? They don't want you to see the truth. To tell the truth.... IF you are too blind to see it I don't want you to see it either. Your genes should be bred out of our gene pool and let your heritage die with your spawn. So EITHER wake up and see what you are doing or go away.
The Truth is that you have a Responsibility to your People, whether as a man or a woman!
The Joo lie is everywhere. It is past time to wake up!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Monday, April 30, 2007
What Them Dirty Joo's Want or Don't Want You To See
I was watching some Youtube and found some video's that were enlightening after that Gook did his killing in Virgina....This one high lights one about immigration (source ). We need to stop the lax laws we have that govern people entering our country. What the Joo's don't want you to see is that in May of 2006 13 JOOISH Senators voted in favor of amnesty for illegal immigrants.... The Jooish agenda to allow more of thier slimey ray kin into America has allowed a flood of illegal mexicans to come to America to pick your friut and vegetables, and steal other assorted jobs, not to mention all the drugs they bring into this country. We need more than a wall on that border! Thier foul agenda allows for GOOKS of every type to come here and get tax breaks where other Americans can't get them (even minorities).... They cause our nieghborhoods to stink where they live cause of the foul food they eat and cats and dogs have been known to disappear.... They say that Black Dog in Korea it the best meat form the animals we Americans have as pet.... And lets not forget the Dune Coon Sand Niggers that we have allowed into our country.... They run our Seven Eleven convienence stores and we don't get the "Thankyou...Come again" like Apu says on the Simpson......Then after they sell you a snack thier relatives run planes into things like they did on 9-11.... Which the JOO'S knew about prior to it happening. Try to find out how many of them slimey Rat Kikes were at thier Jobs in the Towers on 9-11. About as many fake names as the HoloHOAX has if they list them.... And before I forget we have too include Seung Cho Hui. The Joo immigration policies have allowed people like him to enter America and attend Universities to "learn".... What did they teach him at Virginia Tech? How to kill American's?
Then I was checking out this Dooms Day Preacher named Jack Van Impe... He was talking about that gook Seung Cho Hui. He was saying that Cho was "possessed by demon" and he would never enter Heaven cause he committed murder ( Source) . This same "Dr" Jack Van Limpe and his "wife" Rexella (also a "Dr") attempt to teach that the JOO's are God's "Chosen" people. That is a lie. The True Descendant's of Isreal are Yah's chosen. The JOO's of today are a Synagogue of Satan... At least that is what Revelation's Chapter 2 Verse 9 and 3 verse 9 calls them. He doesn't tell of the JOOish Feast of Purim.... Why? The JOO's murdered thousands of "Gentiles" and they still to this day Celibrate this Blood Letting, that killing of people. I wonder if he intentionally lies to people to lead them far from God's Word or if the JOO's that control the airwaves don't want him to say what is the truth? After all lets look at Mel Gibson. He made the movie The Passion of the Christ. It is pretty graphic but it tells how the JOO's, not "Isrealite's" killed Christ. And he was labeled as anti-semitic.
So in finishing this post.... There are ways to avoid the common JOO trap. Don't allow your sons and daughters to date outside of your own people. Don't vote for those that back JOO agenda's like immigration. Educate those around you to the treat of the JOO hoard. And when the day come have your rope ready!!!! Snicker! Snicker! Snicker!
Then I was checking out this Dooms Day Preacher named Jack Van Impe... He was talking about that gook Seung Cho Hui. He was saying that Cho was "possessed by demon" and he would never enter Heaven cause he committed murder ( Source) . This same "Dr" Jack Van Limpe and his "wife" Rexella (also a "Dr") attempt to teach that the JOO's are God's "Chosen" people. That is a lie. The True Descendant's of Isreal are Yah's chosen. The JOO's of today are a Synagogue of Satan... At least that is what Revelation's Chapter 2 Verse 9 and 3 verse 9 calls them. He doesn't tell of the JOOish Feast of Purim.... Why? The JOO's murdered thousands of "Gentiles" and they still to this day Celibrate this Blood Letting, that killing of people. I wonder if he intentionally lies to people to lead them far from God's Word or if the JOO's that control the airwaves don't want him to say what is the truth? After all lets look at Mel Gibson. He made the movie The Passion of the Christ. It is pretty graphic but it tells how the JOO's, not "Isrealite's" killed Christ. And he was labeled as anti-semitic.
So in finishing this post.... There are ways to avoid the common JOO trap. Don't allow your sons and daughters to date outside of your own people. Don't vote for those that back JOO agenda's like immigration. Educate those around you to the treat of the JOO hoard. And when the day come have your rope ready!!!! Snicker! Snicker! Snicker!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The JOO Agenda of Crime Statistics/Reporting
I was listening to a broadcast of Goyfire and I heard the statement about how the JOO's only report cimes that White's do. There was mention of a Negroid Serial Killer by the name of Surrat...
REALLY??? The first thought I had was "I have never heard of a nigger serial killer....." So I did a GOOGLE search on " black serial killers " and I found so many more that I have never heard of. So it leads me to ask one main question: WHY DO THE JOO'S NOT WANT THE SUBURBAN WHITE TO KNOW OF THE NIGGER SERIAL KILLERS WHEN THEY PUSH WHITE SERIAL KILLERS DOWN OUR THROATS?
The answer is pretty obvious.... if you are informed of the JOO agenda in regards to White People. Since not everyone is infomed I will give the basic explaination... Anyone's job that reads this blog... It is up to you to follow the links and form your own opinion.
Historically the JOO's have been run out of every White Nation due to thier back stabbing JOOish way. After WW2, they took a page out of Adolf Hitler's playbook... If you control the media then you can control what people think. It is a simple but real fact...Who controls the majority of the media in the USA? JOO's do. NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX Network, and the list goes on.... When it comes to crime you will hear about 2 White guys dragging a nigger to death in Texas ( LINK ) If it was 2 niggers dragging a White Man you wouldn't hear about it... Look at this link and read everything carefully. These are Hate Crimes, which JOO's, JOOish sypathizers like MORRIS DEES and the A.C.L.U., and other JOOISH ORGANIZATIONS helped to write. Yet Whites are held to the law and are sentenced to many years in PRISON when niggers statistically commit more Hate Crimes.... ( LINK ) and are not prosecuted for it....
Back to the answer.... JOO's don't want you to know that thier tools of racial intergration are savages. If thhe average White understood that niggers are SAVAGES then then the JOO media wouldn't be able to push the "civilized" Monkey/Nigger on Your White Daughter.... You would question why your sons and daughters are dressing. talking, and acting like a nigger.... and you would be willing and ready to put a stop to the race mixing now!
With that said you should do some investigating into what I am saying..... You will see the rotten truth. STOP THE JOOISH PLAN OF KILLING OUR RACE!!!
Also check out GOYFIRE ....
REALLY??? The first thought I had was "I have never heard of a nigger serial killer....." So I did a GOOGLE search on " black serial killers " and I found so many more that I have never heard of. So it leads me to ask one main question: WHY DO THE JOO'S NOT WANT THE SUBURBAN WHITE TO KNOW OF THE NIGGER SERIAL KILLERS WHEN THEY PUSH WHITE SERIAL KILLERS DOWN OUR THROATS?
The answer is pretty obvious.... if you are informed of the JOO agenda in regards to White People. Since not everyone is infomed I will give the basic explaination... Anyone's job that reads this blog... It is up to you to follow the links and form your own opinion.
Historically the JOO's have been run out of every White Nation due to thier back stabbing JOOish way. After WW2, they took a page out of Adolf Hitler's playbook... If you control the media then you can control what people think. It is a simple but real fact...Who controls the majority of the media in the USA? JOO's do. NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX Network, and the list goes on.... When it comes to crime you will hear about 2 White guys dragging a nigger to death in Texas ( LINK ) If it was 2 niggers dragging a White Man you wouldn't hear about it... Look at this link and read everything carefully. These are Hate Crimes, which JOO's, JOOish sypathizers like MORRIS DEES and the A.C.L.U., and other JOOISH ORGANIZATIONS helped to write. Yet Whites are held to the law and are sentenced to many years in PRISON when niggers statistically commit more Hate Crimes.... ( LINK ) and are not prosecuted for it....
Back to the answer.... JOO's don't want you to know that thier tools of racial intergration are savages. If thhe average White understood that niggers are SAVAGES then then the JOO media wouldn't be able to push the "civilized" Monkey/Nigger on Your White Daughter.... You would question why your sons and daughters are dressing. talking, and acting like a nigger.... and you would be willing and ready to put a stop to the race mixing now!
With that said you should do some investigating into what I am saying..... You will see the rotten truth. STOP THE JOOISH PLAN OF KILLING OUR RACE!!!
Also check out GOYFIRE ....
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
The Joo Tube and The HIS STORY Channel
I was watching this His Story Channel special on American Nazi's yesterday with my girlfriend and was totally astounded at the way they use thier propaganda to circumvent the truth. They had a part of the show that told the Ruby Ridge Tragedy. This link is to The Lawful Path which quotes an old saying "Narrow is the Path to Truth". The His Story Channel left out the facts that the BATF agents never IDENTIFIED themselves... That they shot the family dogs first.... That they shot Randy's son in the back... and as an after thought at the end of the piece they mentioned that Vickie Weaver was shot and killed (murdered) by BATF sniper(s).
Was Randy Weaver a White Supremist? That has never been proven. Was Randy Weaver tired of our Sodomite Society? I believe so. Did this man want to raise his family without the sick influences of America's sick society? His actions say so and as we know actions speak louder than words! The Weaver"s hunted for food and had a garden where they grew thier own vegitables. They were, and probably still are, a God fearing family. They were definitely all found not guilty of any charges brought against them by the Government. Again.... Actions speak louder than words.
I have heard that the Murderer of Vicky Weaver, Lon Horiuchi, was suspended, with pay and later transfered to another goverment agency. He is on the FBI's Hall of Shame. It seems this murderer was present at Waco where he murdered people fleeing the fire from the Branch Davidian Compound. In WW2 those Nazi's were put on trial for thier "war crimes" and the excuse that "I vas just following orders" was not legitimate enough to free them... How come Lon Horiuchi has not been tried? Does having a badge mean that you can kill Law Abiding American's? Evidently it does... Especially if they are women and children!
Lets take a look at the His Story Channel....G.E. owns all or portions of A&E, Bravo, the History Channel, as well as CNBC and MSNBC (a 24-hour news network) on cable, and the Hispanic broadcast network Telemundo... At the time of the first Persian Gulf War, CBS was owned by Westinghouse and NBC by General Electric. Two of the major nuclear weapons manufacturers owned two of the major networks. Westinghouse and GE made most of the parts for many of the weapons in the Persian Gulf War. It was no surprise, then, that much of the coverage on those networks looked like a military hardware show...These are not media that are serving a democratic society, where a diversity of views is vital to shaping informed opinions. This is a well-oiled propaganda machine that is repackaging government spin and passing it off as journalism.... So what I really wonder is why G.E. has Joo's in positions to keep pushing these lies/propaganda down our throat? The answer would be money. They are a big corporation and the bottom line is money.
That brings me to my next point.... Money. Who is responsible for America's monitary system? The Federal Reserve Bank.Who actually owns the Federal Reserve Central Banks? The ownership of the 12 Central banks, a very well kept secret, has been revealed: Rothschild Bank of London, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Goldman, Sachs of New York, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Chase Manhattan Bank of New York. (Source) Some of these Banks are owned by Foriegn ( NOT AMREICAN) Interests. And every last one is owned by JOO'S. If they have all the money, control the propaganda (TV aka JOO Tube), and make money off of wars then the fact is that America is the same as World War 2 Germany.
In conclusion... It is past time to take our country back and give it into the hands of American People and not the JOO's. Awake America!!! Know your enemy aka the Synagouge of Satan! Snicker! Snicker! Snicker!
Was Randy Weaver a White Supremist? That has never been proven. Was Randy Weaver tired of our Sodomite Society? I believe so. Did this man want to raise his family without the sick influences of America's sick society? His actions say so and as we know actions speak louder than words! The Weaver"s hunted for food and had a garden where they grew thier own vegitables. They were, and probably still are, a God fearing family. They were definitely all found not guilty of any charges brought against them by the Government. Again.... Actions speak louder than words.
I have heard that the Murderer of Vicky Weaver, Lon Horiuchi, was suspended, with pay and later transfered to another goverment agency. He is on the FBI's Hall of Shame. It seems this murderer was present at Waco where he murdered people fleeing the fire from the Branch Davidian Compound. In WW2 those Nazi's were put on trial for thier "war crimes" and the excuse that "I vas just following orders" was not legitimate enough to free them... How come Lon Horiuchi has not been tried? Does having a badge mean that you can kill Law Abiding American's? Evidently it does... Especially if they are women and children!
Lets take a look at the His Story Channel....G.E. owns all or portions of A&E, Bravo, the History Channel, as well as CNBC and MSNBC (a 24-hour news network) on cable, and the Hispanic broadcast network Telemundo... At the time of the first Persian Gulf War, CBS was owned by Westinghouse and NBC by General Electric. Two of the major nuclear weapons manufacturers owned two of the major networks. Westinghouse and GE made most of the parts for many of the weapons in the Persian Gulf War. It was no surprise, then, that much of the coverage on those networks looked like a military hardware show...These are not media that are serving a democratic society, where a diversity of views is vital to shaping informed opinions. This is a well-oiled propaganda machine that is repackaging government spin and passing it off as journalism.... So what I really wonder is why G.E. has Joo's in positions to keep pushing these lies/propaganda down our throat? The answer would be money. They are a big corporation and the bottom line is money.
That brings me to my next point.... Money. Who is responsible for America's monitary system? The Federal Reserve Bank.Who actually owns the Federal Reserve Central Banks? The ownership of the 12 Central banks, a very well kept secret, has been revealed: Rothschild Bank of London, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Goldman, Sachs of New York, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Chase Manhattan Bank of New York. (Source) Some of these Banks are owned by Foriegn ( NOT AMREICAN) Interests. And every last one is owned by JOO'S. If they have all the money, control the propaganda (TV aka JOO Tube), and make money off of wars then the fact is that America is the same as World War 2 Germany.
In conclusion... It is past time to take our country back and give it into the hands of American People and not the JOO's. Awake America!!! Know your enemy aka the Synagouge of Satan! Snicker! Snicker! Snicker!
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
More than 7000 Joo's on a Jooish Shit List
It never seems to amaze me how Joo's end up hating thier own when they don't tow the line of Jooish interest's.
Lets take this woman as the first example... Fran Rachel... She is on the shit list for advocating that the USA stop thier (financial) support for Isreal to leverage Isreal back to the negotiating table with the Palistinians.
Next we have Peter Rachleff..... This man wants U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East.... Sounds like peace maybe? What is so bad about that? Good enough to put him on the Shit List.
This Post goes toward showing the blood thirsty nature of those that scream "Never Again".... Which is just never again... for them! As the old adage goes... Know your enemy!
Lets take this woman as the first example... Fran Rachel... She is on the shit list for advocating that the USA stop thier (financial) support for Isreal to leverage Isreal back to the negotiating table with the Palistinians.
Next we have Peter Rachleff..... This man wants U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East.... Sounds like peace maybe? What is so bad about that? Good enough to put him on the Shit List.
This Post goes toward showing the blood thirsty nature of those that scream "Never Again".... Which is just never again... for them! As the old adage goes... Know your enemy!
Monday, February 5, 2007
"Never Again"/ The HoloHOAX
I was looking over some Blogs that Joodaft is associated with and I keep seeing the "never again" cry that the Joo's use so frequently that it is a joke. The "Holocaust", or as I term it the HOLOHOAX, has been proven to be a lie. This has been done by many scholars like David Irving, whom was subsequently sent to prison for speaking the truth (source).
Lets look at Ernst Zuendel..... We have here a 67 year old man whom was abducted from his home, put on a plane which took him to Canada and then to Germany, where he has been held in jail/prison for telling the truth. It was this "Leuchter Expedition" and the subsequent Leuchter Report that he had put together after doing forensic investigation which got him into the cross hairs of the Jooish powers (source).
These terrorist tactics that these enemies use are no different from Hitler's own, which the Joo's say is "RACIST". In WW2 Germany many were arrested for being non-white, homosexual, and for any other reason that they wanted. They were the POWERS that be in those times. Now we have the same even in America. After all... When an American can be taken from his home for using his Right to Freedom of Speech in which to publish books which he believes in due to HARD FORENSIC EVIDENCE, then we have terrorist's on American soil and what they do is the same as the 911 Terrorist's.
Which brings me to the never again slogan that is used by the Jooish and thier copo cohorts.... Is it never again JUST FOR THEM? If the Joo's were as benevilent as they want people to believe then they would allow Law Abiding men like Ernst Zuendel to express thier belief that the Holohoax is a hoax. But they are not what they seem. Even the Bible calls them what they are...
Revelations 2:8 These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. 9I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Israelite and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. 11He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death.
If you read this passage in a Newer Version of the Bible instead of an Original restored text version do not make the common mistake of confusing Jew with Israelite. It was written as Israelite but changed to help hide the synagogue of Satan so the modern day Joo's could hide from God's Word.
So "never again"? Keep deluding yourself Joo!
Lets look at Ernst Zuendel..... We have here a 67 year old man whom was abducted from his home, put on a plane which took him to Canada and then to Germany, where he has been held in jail/prison for telling the truth. It was this "Leuchter Expedition" and the subsequent Leuchter Report that he had put together after doing forensic investigation which got him into the cross hairs of the Jooish powers (source).
These terrorist tactics that these enemies use are no different from Hitler's own, which the Joo's say is "RACIST". In WW2 Germany many were arrested for being non-white, homosexual, and for any other reason that they wanted. They were the POWERS that be in those times. Now we have the same even in America. After all... When an American can be taken from his home for using his Right to Freedom of Speech in which to publish books which he believes in due to HARD FORENSIC EVIDENCE, then we have terrorist's on American soil and what they do is the same as the 911 Terrorist's.
Which brings me to the never again slogan that is used by the Jooish and thier copo cohorts.... Is it never again JUST FOR THEM? If the Joo's were as benevilent as they want people to believe then they would allow Law Abiding men like Ernst Zuendel to express thier belief that the Holohoax is a hoax. But they are not what they seem. Even the Bible calls them what they are...
Revelations 2:8 These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again. 9I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know the slander of those who say they are Israelite and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. 10Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life. 11He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death.
If you read this passage in a Newer Version of the Bible instead of an Original restored text version do not make the common mistake of confusing Jew with Israelite. It was written as Israelite but changed to help hide the synagogue of Satan so the modern day Joo's could hide from God's Word.
So "never again"? Keep deluding yourself Joo!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The Blood Thirsty Jew/Joo
I have known, for a long time, the BLOOD THIRSTY nature of the Jew/Joo. The first documented historical fact comes from the Bible. You have to read the King James version. Although it is altered in it's language it does have the wording correct. Read the Book of Esther. Esther is the first openly Jooish Book in the Old Testament. (Source) This is where the Jooish "feastival' of "Purim" originated.
Next you can come to Soviet Russia. Stalin had initiated what is termed as the "Great purge". Many White Russians were ruthlessly murdered by Stalin. He had more Joos in "power with him controling death squads, slave labor and gulags.... AKA CONCENTRATION CAMPS. (Source)
Let's skip forward to present day.... Actually just a few years back. In the West Bank refugee camp of Jenine the Joos went in and slaughtered Palistinian Women, Children and men that had nothing to do with terrorism. They were innocents. (Source) " Operation Security Imperative is far more massive and brutal. In less than one week, the Israeli military killed more than 200 Palestinians and wounded thousands, mostly civilians. Seven refugee camps have been attacked: the Amari, Balata, Qualqiliyah, Deheisheh, and Nur al-Shams camps on the West Bank, and the Jabalya and Rafah camps in the Gaza Strip. In addition, the West Bank cities of Ramallah, Bethlehem, Tul Karm, and Jenine, and Gaza City and villages in the Gaza Strip, have also been attacked." You can read the story more fully following the link above but I wanted to highlight this to show that it was more than just Jenine.
Then we can find idiots like Joodaft (Source) who are living on American soil and are like rabid dogs, in this case since it is a female I believe the term would be BITCH. These are possible terrorists that are as rabid and BLOOD THIRSTY as thier Jooish ancestors. We all need to be aware of people like Joodaft and the Jooish THREAT! We need to make others aware of thier dual loyalty and the acts of terrorism commited by those that scream "Never Again". ( Source) .... We need to be aware and ready to take our country back!!! The Day of the Rope is Coming.... Run Joodaft! Run!
Next you can come to Soviet Russia. Stalin had initiated what is termed as the "Great purge". Many White Russians were ruthlessly murdered by Stalin. He had more Joos in "power with him controling death squads, slave labor and gulags.... AKA CONCENTRATION CAMPS. (Source)
Let's skip forward to present day.... Actually just a few years back. In the West Bank refugee camp of Jenine the Joos went in and slaughtered Palistinian Women, Children and men that had nothing to do with terrorism. They were innocents. (Source) " Operation Security Imperative is far more massive and brutal. In less than one week, the Israeli military killed more than 200 Palestinians and wounded thousands, mostly civilians. Seven refugee camps have been attacked: the Amari, Balata, Qualqiliyah, Deheisheh, and Nur al-Shams camps on the West Bank, and the Jabalya and Rafah camps in the Gaza Strip. In addition, the West Bank cities of Ramallah, Bethlehem, Tul Karm, and Jenine, and Gaza City and villages in the Gaza Strip, have also been attacked." You can read the story more fully following the link above but I wanted to highlight this to show that it was more than just Jenine.
Then we can find idiots like Joodaft (Source) who are living on American soil and are like rabid dogs, in this case since it is a female I believe the term would be BITCH. These are possible terrorists that are as rabid and BLOOD THIRSTY as thier Jooish ancestors. We all need to be aware of people like Joodaft and the Jooish THREAT! We need to make others aware of thier dual loyalty and the acts of terrorism commited by those that scream "Never Again". ( Source) .... We need to be aware and ready to take our country back!!! The Day of the Rope is Coming.... Run Joodaft! Run!
Assraeli Porn Kosher, More Enlightenment from God's Chosen People

Israeli actors are depicted having sex against landscapes such as the Kinneret, the Galilee, and Tel Aviv. Only after US company that grants kosher certificates threatens porn movie's producer with lawsuit is kosher stamp taken off of DVD packages.
The movie "Assraelis" was produced by a Los Angeles-based porn movie company, Tight Fit, which is headed by Oren Cohen, an Israeli. On the package of the DVD version of the movie, which is sold on the Internet for USD 25, is affixed a kosher stamp similar to those appearing on kosher food products sold in the American market.
The stamp is made up of the Hebrew letter 'kaf' (the first letter of the word kosher in Hebrew). The letter 'k' (short for kosher, in English) is inset inside the Hebrew letter. Around this logo is written: "Shot in Israel, 100 percent authentic."
However, the marketing gimmick Cohen was looking to create was met by a warning letter and the threat of legal charges. The lawyers of the company, Kuf K, which grants kosher certificates to food products in the United States, sent a warning letter to Cohen, demanding that he remove the kosher stamp from the DVD package.
The company claimed in the letter that the kosher stamp used by Cohen is the spiritual property of Kuf K, and that only companies marketing food stuff can place the stamp on their products after having receiving permission to do so from Kuf K.
Cohen was shocked when he received the letter. "Do they have rights to a letter?" he quipped in an interview. However, after receiving the warning letter, the kosher stamp was removed from the DVD package, and was replaced with the word 'kosher.'
Simultaneously, word of the "kosher" porn film was leaked to Internet sites, and recently has become one of the hot topics of conversation among the Jewish communities in the United States. It has also evoked the anger of the rabbis, who are outraged at the improper use of the kosher stamp.
It seems as though removing the kosher stamp won't keep the porn movie's producer safe from another legal front, this time in Israel.
It turns out that the stars of film don't use their real names, instead preferring to use screen names remarkably similar to the names of famous Israeli singers and actors, thus exposing the movie to more legal troubles in Israel.
Ynetnews, January 31, 2007
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